Keto Fat Burning

How does it work?

Ketosis is a natural Keto fat burning process the body initiates to help us survive when food intake is low. During this state, your body is actually burning fat for energy instead of carbs. Ketosis is typically extremely hard to obtain and takes weeks to accomplish.

What is Keto diet?

The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. So in order to achieve positive results, this diet has to be very low in carbohydrates, high in dietary fat and include a moderate amount of proteins. As a result, this reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. So as a result Ketogenic diet can cause massive reductions in blood sugar, insulin levels and help with weight loss.

Benefits of Keto Fat Burning diet:

  •  Weight loss
  •  Reduced blood pressure
  •  Slower ageing process
  •  Improved sleep and mood
  •  Increased energy efficiency

The Choice is Yours!

We have 2 choices on how we fuel our body everyday! So The Choice is Yours! you can either fuel your body with sugar or healthy fats. So if you are serious about losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle you have to make the right choice! Simply put, Sugar makes you fat, while healthy fats provide you all the nutrients and energy you need.

When you are burning fat for energy your cells produce Ketons and among other things, a Ketone is the perfect brain fuel, the brain consists of 70% fat and 30% matter. The brain needs fat for fuel.


Add the effective combination of SlimRoast Coffee, Keto Creamer and PrevailMAX into your daily Keto fat burning routine. As a result you will kick start your body into a Keto Lifestyle and See Real Results Fast!

So how will our Keto Lifestyle products help you on your Journey?

Keto Fat Burning

Keto Creamer is great for anyone who is already enjoying a Keto Lifestyle. It could be added to your own brand of coffee or any beverage as it dissolves instantly. 

Our SlimROAST Coffee combined with Keto Creamer is the perfect blend of specially formulated natural ingredients. Designed to suppress appetite, improve your moods and promote “Natural” Ketogenesis. Which as a result launch you into the Keto lifestyle that will get you to your goals faster and keep you healthy longer! 

Keto Fat Burning